Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Jenna Rae

Yesterday was my second daughter's Birthday. She would have been thirty-seven. She was only 16 months old when she died. She had a congenital heart disease, called cardio-myopathy, which is quite common in adults but (at that time at least) almost unheard of in children. They say time heals all wounds, but that isn't true. It is faith in a loving Heavenly Father and His plan for us that heals all wounds. I am so thankful for the plan of happiness that allows families to be together forever. I know, without question that if I do my part I can rely on the Savior, Jesus Christ, to make up the rest and make it possible for me to be with my beautiful baby and my husband and all of our children again...and forever.
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  1. wow. thank goodness for the gospel. you are so great. we will miss you rhonda. good thing we have blogs and facebook to keep in touch!:)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Like I said the other day, it's so weird for me. Even though I was so little when she died, I still have memories of her that I carry. Some days I have such an overwhelming feeling of missing her. I am grateful for the gospel and plan of salvation and the peace they bring too; although I think that plan and my desire to be "good enough" to see Jenna and Caleb again are what created my perfectionist tendencies.

  4. You need to remember the part where the Saviour makes up the difference.

  5. She is absolutely beautiful. I had no idea she had those chubby little cheeks when she was a baby. I love you, Aunt Rhonda. Thank you for being brave enough to share things because it builds up others. I'm not very good at sharing hard things but I want to be because whenever you share an experience with me, I am moved and uplifted. Thank you!
