Thursday, October 29, 2009


I have two beautiful, grown-up daughters, both of whom I love very much. I think the woman who has daughters is very blessed. Who else will take care of you when you are old? Fair warning, girls! This is Synda, my first daughter. (Notice, I didn't say oldest?) She has two daughters of her own and is a very good mom.

This is Bethany, my third daughter. She has her hands full with a house full of boys, Mark, Dane & Slater and takes good care of all of them. I'm sure your boys will take care of you when you are old, Bethany. Bethany makes sure she calls me or we IM every day. I'm not hip enough to text.
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  1. Those are some beautiful girls but Bethany might be mad at you for that picture. She can just email you about it huh. BTW your last post on your daughter that died was wonderful but I was too sad to post a comment. There is so much comfort in the Savior and I am thankful for it.

  2. I'm sorry it made you sad. I miss her still, but there is so much hope in the gospel and that is what we all need to remember. It isn't false hope.

  3. I love your girls! I can remember when Bethany went through Burbank on her way home from her mission and I was able to spend an hour with her. So fun! Her sense of humor is awesome. I love her blog! And Synda, we all know, is actually more like a sister to me than a cousin! I was trying to explain to the kids one day why Synda is Aunt Synda even though she's my cousin. They didn't get it! I also felt like you and Uncle Sid were my surrogate parents while I was in Utah. Thank you!
