Monday, November 16, 2009

Reflections on Vampires

I will be the first to admit that I have, on occasion, been enamored of vampires. But always the "harmless", tortured kind who hated what they were. First it was Angel, the one true love of Buffy. Next was the short-lived but oh-so-sexy Mick St. John of Moonlight. But, I must confess, that I never was a great fan of Edward, being of the Jacob persuasion, and as far as the new sensations on True Blood and Vampire Diaries, I can honestly say that I have never indulged.
All the current hoopla over vampires has made me ponder the question, "What is it that attracts otherwise sane women to these types of stories?" I have come up with a few possible answers. [Come on, folks, cut me some slack here. I have been sick, after all!]
1) We are drawn in by the bad boy with honest intentions myth. You know, the one that says that all he really needs is a good woman to save him and turn his life around...even if it means ending hers as she knows it.
2) We are intrigued by thoughts of a love that will last for eternity, even though most of us already have that in our lives. Somehow it seems more exciting if it is forbidden.
3) The stories, of necessity, are always about star-crossed lovers who can never REALLY be together, for obvious reasons. The vampire, who is always male, hesitates, or even refuses, to "turn" the female because he hates what he is; loves what she is; and, doesn't want to change her. One exception is Stephanie Meyers work, which was ruined for me by the "happily-ever -after" ending.
Having said all that, yes, I will be seeing "New Moon". After all, you can't beat a good werewolf story! And besides, Jacob is my choice!
This is what happens when you can't get out for days on end...your mind runs amok!


  1. I'm watching Lost Boys right now on TV. My thoughts on vampires are Kieffer Sutherland is a way cooler vampire than Robert Pattison and much more believable. I'm a little tired of the wussy vampire.

  2. How could I forget "Lost Boys"? Another '80's movie that I shouldn't have let my kids watch!
